Category: Training
NSPMA Conference
“The Influence of School Facility Management’s Best Practices on Student Success” with Dr. Kenneth Tanner
TANNER_How the School Facility’s Environment Impacts Student Outcomes_2016
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Community School Facilities: Authentic Engagement, Shared Space, and Neighborhood Hubs
School construction and renovation provide unique opportunities for authentic community engagement and the advancement of community schools. Hear how the Cincinnati Public Schools engaged families and residents to build an entire district of new schools that are the centers of their neighborhoods. Learn about Baltimore’s strategy to leverage their new facilities plan to build schools that provide space for partners and community members to help their schools thrive. And hear about the latest trends in community and partner use for school facilities.
Designing Safe Schools: Planning and Retrofitting for Safety in Educational Facilities
Each day, schools and school districts are responsible for providing a safe and healthy learning environment for students. Understanding how to design and maintain school buildings is an important part of supporting that environment. Mitigation, or the capabilities necessary to eliminate or reduce the loss of life and property damage by lessening the impact of an emergency, is just one way schools can work to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment, as outlined in Presidential Policy Directive 8, our nation’s approach to preparedness. Through planning and research, schools and school districts can work to understand how the safety of the school building directly impacts the health, safety, and educational experience of students and staff.
Sustainability in Schools: NYC Department of Education
Interview with John T. Shea at NFMT 2010. Shea talks about building a sustainability agenda, the role of operations staff in executing the agenda, and educating students on sustainability
Healthy School Facilities: Planning for “Good Repair” in Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAPs)
Center For City+Schools Webinar, 2014
Using Federal Contracts to Enhance School and Campus Secruity
Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS), Center Office of Safe and Healthy Students (OSHS), Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE), and U.S. Department of Education (ED), 2013
- Overview of “Now Is The Time” and the GSA State and Local Programs
- Overview of the General Services Administration’ s (GSA’s) Cooperative Purchasing Program
- GSA Resources
ABC’s of School Safety
Kids talk about school safety! Always wear the right helmet. Be safe and have fun. Careful with the clothing, Mom and Dad. SafetyGov USCPSC.
Designing a Collaborative Classroom
This video shows how to design and create a 21st Century classroom with enhanced student learning through collaborations utilizing the best educational technology.
School Safety Video for School Lockdown Emergencies
School Safe helps keep students and staff safer in the event of a lockdown emergency. It is a simple device that installed on a classroom door allows the door to be quickly and easily secured from inside the classroom during a lockdown.