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Discussion Points at Presentation at Academy for Educational Studies conference in San Antonio, TX, March 7-9, 2016

Inequality in school facilities

Unsatisfactory school buildings affect learning

Inequality of facilities and resources contribute to the achievement gap

Equalize facilities and resources and equalize achievement

Inequality Presentation Slides

“The Influence of School Facility Management’s Best Practices on Student Success”  with Dr. Kenneth Tanner

TANNER_How the School Facility’s Environment Impacts Student Outcomes_2016

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Discussion Topics

Overview of school maintenance programs

  • The critical role of preventive maintenance
  • The work order process – 2 examples
  • The importance of communication and community involvement
  • PM and facility management requirements for CIP eligibility – 6 elements

Facilities Management Maintenance Strategies - Alaska Dept of Education


This Middle School Educational Specification is a critical component implementing the Long Beach Unified School District Facility Master Plan. The Educational Specification is a detailed outline of essential components of each middle school facility to be built in Long Beach as part of the Master Plan. It is a City-wide statement, and will apply to all upcoming middle school projects, but will be adjusted as appropriate to the needs of each individual school construction project.

An Educational Specification outlines essential educational concepts and detailed facility needs. It includes considerations of community values, current and future instructional strategies, impact of technology on education, and cost constraints.

View Prototype Ed Specs


Each day, schools and school districts are responsible for providing a safe and healthy learning environment for students. Understanding how to design and maintain school buildings is an important part of supporting that environment. Mitigation, or the capabilities necessary to eliminate or reduce the loss of life and property damage by lessening the impact of an emergency, is just one way schools can work to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment, as outlined in Presidential Policy Directive 8, our nation’s approach to preparedness. Through planning and research, schools and school districts can work to understand how the safety of the school building directly impacts the health, safety, and educational experience of students and staff.

View Webinar

Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS), Center Office of Safe and Healthy Students (OSHS), Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE), and U.S. Department of Education (ED), 2013

  • Overview of “Now Is The Time” and the GSA State and Local Programs
  • Overview of the General Services Administration’ s (GSA’s) Cooperative Purchasing Program
  • GSA Resources

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Inter-American Development Bank, 2015

Rise Up Against Climate Change! A school-centered educational initiative.

Module 8

Thousands of children and young people who attend schools every day (on schedules ranging from 4 to 10 hours) consume large amounts of natural resources (water, trees made into paper, fossil fuels for energy, and others). These resources are used in the manufacturing of books, notepads, backpacks, pencils, paint, and so on.

To a large extent, schools represent the way a society uses its natural resources. Using these materials in a more sustainable fashion will lower demand for natural resources. We can also learn innovative ways of using them in the learning process.

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Inter-American Development Bank, 2015

Rise Up Against Climate Change! A school-centered educational initiative. 

Module 1

We invite you to make a short assessment of your environmental behavior. A few moments’ reflection will surely serve you well for the future. Then invite your colleagues—both teachers and students—to do so as well. You will most certainly discover that, although everyone wishes for a promising and happy future, few of us are doing anything to ensure it. Perhaps even small efforts, such as the creation of this manual, will help us adopt new attitudes and rethink how we teach, learn, and transform the world.

View Presentation


Inter-American Development Bank, 2015

Rise Up Against Climate Change! A school-centered educational initiative. 

Module 6

Take a look at the garbage bin in your school or home. Have you ever wondered what makes its content garbage?

If you look inside, you may see that the waste at the bottom of the bin is made up of items that are no longer of use and therefore have been tossed out. You may also find materials that are of mixed composition (made of glass, paper, metal, organics, and the like). Breathe in deeply, and you may notice an unpleasant odor.

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