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United States Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency. (2003). (FEMA P-428)

The purpose of this primer is to provide the design community and school administrators with the basic principles and techniques to make a school that is safe from terrorist attacks.

FEMA - Primer to design safe school projects in case of terrorist attacks

Voters in Newtown, Conn., overwhelmingly approved a new $71.3 million school budget with a new $500,000-security plan, the News-Times reported. The plan includes funding for 18 guards – half of them armed, retired police officers – for seven schools.

Jerome A. Paulson, MD, FAAP & Benjamin Gitterman, MD, FAAP
Associate Professors of Pediatrics & Public Health
Children’s National Medical Center
Co-Directors, Mid-Atlantic Center for Children’s Health & the Environment

While the dialogue speaks to parents and home environment, the information is quite pertinent to school environments. School leaders, teachers, parents, and maintenance personnel need to know.