Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), 2006. In 1978, the national Science Foundation supported American Institute of Architects in the preparation of a document entitled Designing for Earthquakes. This document, which has long been out of print, was a compendium of papers presented at the 1978 Summer Seismic Institutes for Architectural Faculty, held at the University of Illinois and Stanford University.
Tag: School Safety
School Shootings: A Reality Check on Campus Security
Minieri, 2013. Shootings and physical violence in our nation’s schools, universities and other educational institutions always elicits highly emotional reactions in the community, particularly among parents and administrators. After the initial shock comes the cries of “how could you let this happen!” and “do something so this doesn’t happen again no matter what it costs!”. The average person tends to view security against school shootings as something that can be accomplished easily, quickly and affordably. In this article, an international security expert provides some key insights from a dispassionate professional’s point-of-view.
Safe Youth. Safe Schools.
CDC. Keep children safe. While our nation's schools are expected to be and usually are safe havens for learning, unintentional injuries and even violence can occur, disrupting the educational process and negatively affecting the school and surrounding community.
Safe Glass for Schools
SaftiFirst. Since 2000, the trend has been toward ever increasing use of glass in school design because of the positive benefits it brings, including increased collaboration, better student performance and energy savings. And, strategic use of safety and protective glazing helps improve school security.
Resources for Designing Safe Schools
Tim Aho, 2013. On this website can be found resources for designing safe schools as compiled by the committee on Architecture for Education.
Guiding Principles for Applying Safe Routes to School Engineering Solutions
Safe Routes to School Online Guide. Several principles guide this discussion of SRTS engineering solutions as well as the design of a built environment that provides safe routes for children as they walk and bicycle to school.
Report of the School Safety Infrastructure Council
Architects Seek Safer Schools
Jackie Craven. A dangerous stranger wanders onto college campus. A depressed student lashes out in violence. A disgruntled employee storms into a classroom and opens fire. Shocking and horrifying acts like these may seem impossible to predict or prevent. However, architects and designers are finding ways to make our schools and colleges safer.
Designing Safe Facilities
Susan McLester, 2011. Years after the worst school shootings, new building plans, combined with new technologies, make for safer and more secure environments.
Design Plays Limited Role in Improving School Safety
Dylan Scott, 2013. In the wake of the Newtown shootings, there has been an insatiable desire to do something. Vice President Joe Biden has led a task force to strengthen the nation’s gun control policies. Governors across the country have pledged to reform their mental health care systems. And now policymakers are calling for school safety improvements, the last line of defense, so that if a mentally unstable person obtains a firearm and comes to a school with deadly intentions, perhaps the school’s design and protocols can limit the damage and maybe prevent 20 young children from being murdered by a madman.