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Mid-Atlantic Center for Children’s Health and the Environment's 12th annual conference on September 19, 2014. Presentation: Role of Pest Management in Children's Environmental Health. Presented by Lyn Garling, MS, Program Manager, Penn State University, Pennsylvania Integrated Pest Management Program.

ACEF Webinar, Presented By: Dr. Edward Steinfeld

In light of numerous lawsuits related to non-compliance with accessibility codes and standards, many universities have had to make modifications and policy changes. The IDeA Center has provided expert consultation on ADA lawsuits from both the plaintiff and defense sides. Based on our experience conducting university accessibility audits and providing expert witness testimony, this webinar reviews the most common accessibility problems faced by universities. Inclusive design strategies that can be implemented, along with best practice case studies, are provided to help overcome these problems with an emphasis on improving cost effectiveness by enhancing the campus for all students and staff. (Posted July 10, 2014).


ACEF Webinar, presented By: Dr. Richard Shaughnessy

There are strong relationships between a school classroom’s healthy indoor environment (IEQ) and its student wellness and productivity. This webinar will describe why improvements to classroom indoor environmental quality are needed to create and maintain healthy schools.  (Posted July 10, 2014).

ACEF Webinar, Presented By: Allen Lawrence 

Every school wants to ensure the safety of its occupants. Schools can increase safety by taking an all-hazards approach to school safety by preparing for various man-made and natural disasters. This webinar will discuss the threats and risks school districts may face today and how to assess areas of vulnerability. Understanding the importance of risk and threat assessments, as well as school safety and security audits, is important before substantial investments are committed to physical security solutions. The webinar will identify key stakeholders critical to the vulnerability assessment process. Strategies to improve safety and security, simple low cost solutions, and tools will be presented to help schools prepare and mitigate potential disasters. (Posted July 10, 2014).