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New Mexico Safe Routes to School Program (2008).

The purpose of this handbook is to help educational facilities in New Mexico develop an Action Plan for a successful Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) program. The handbook is intended for use by parents, school staff, students, community leaders, local governments, and anyone else interested in encouraging safe walking and bicycling to school in New Mexico. This handbook describes steps for developing an Action Plan. Communities receiving SRTS funds from the NM Department of Transportation (NMDOT) are required to develop an Action Plan that meets the guidelines of this Handbook.

NMSRTS_New Mexico Safe Routes to School Handbook

LaVigne, N. G. (2007). (50)

School-related traffic congestion is defined as "the overcrowding and blocking of streets on or near school property that is typically associated with car transportation of children to and from school." Although routes to and from school are examined as part of this problem, most of the guide focuses on traffic problems that occur in the immediate vicinity of the school. School traffic congestion is included as one of the "Problem-Oriented Guides for Police" because it poses a threat to the safety of the students, teachers, parents, residents, and motorists in and around school sites. The identification and discussion of factors that contribute to school-related traffic congestion address population trends and changes in transportation modes; physical design; and new schools, residential divisions, and changes in school assignment. One section of the guide identifies the various categories of stakeholders in the problem and discusses their roles in addressing it. These stakeholders include police, parents, students, teachers and school administrators, local residents, other commuters, the transportation and planning department, school bus companies, Parent Teachers Associations and school boards, school architects and landscapers, and neighboring businesses. Questions pertinent to problem analysis are then discussed, followed by a description of how to measure the effectiveness of responses to the problem. Some guidelines for responses to school traffic congestion focus on general considerations for an effective response strategy, specific responses (changing transportation modes and implementing drop-off, pick-up, and physical design measures), and responses proven to have limited effectiveness. 29 references and appended summary of responses to traffic congestion around schools

LaVigne_N_G_Traffic Congestion Around Schools

U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Building Technology, State and Community Programs (2007).

The National Best Practices Manual for Building High Performance Schools is a part of the suite of products developed to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy in schools. It was developed specifically for designingschools.


United States Department of Education (2007). (ED498806)

Taking action now can save lives, prevent injury, and minimize property damage in the moments of a crisis. The importance of reviewing and revising school and district plans cannot be underscored enough. This guide helps in navigating this process by giving schools, districts, and communities the critical concepts and components of good crisis planning, stimulate thinking about the crisis preparedness process, and provide examples of promising practices.

USDOE_Practical Information on Crisis Planning

Sussman, C., Gillman, A., & Larsen, C. (2006).

Resource Guide Volume 1: Developing Early Childhood Facilities, published by LISC’s Community Investment Collaborative for Kids (CICK). This guide identifies all of the steps in the real estate development and financing process, and helps early childhood providers and their partners carry out early feasibility and planning activities, assemble an appropriate project development team, select and acquire a site, raise money, and implement best practices in design.


Arthur, D.W., Larson, C., Gillman, A., & Sussman, C. (2006).

Resource Guide Volume 2: Designing Early Childhood Facilities, published by LISC’s Community Investment Collaborative for Kids (CICK). This volume highlights the connection between well-designed space and high quality programming, and helps early childhood providers, community developers and architects plan effective spaces for young children. The guide includes an overview of design principles, a tour through a center’s functional areas, and information on materials, lighting, security, urban settings and accessibility.


Environmental Protection Agency (Daly, S.) (2005). (EPA 816-F-05-030)

This document was designed for schools and child care facilities that meet the definition of a public water system and therefore must comply with the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) requirements.

EPA_Lead and Copper Rule

Pardee, M. (2005).

Resource Guide Volume 4: Creating Playgrounds for Early Childhood Facilities, published by LISC’s Community Investment Collaborative for Kids (CICK). This guide assists early childhood programs with the planning of a center’s outdoor space to achieve a successful natural environment for young children. It includes suggestions for equipment and materials that support a range of activities that children can enjoy outdoors.


Cooner, S. A., Wooldridge, M. D., Fitzpatrick, K., & Ford, G. L. (2004). (0-4286-S)

The State of Texas, particularly in the large urban areas, has recently experienced considerable population growth. This growth has produced new schools on sites near highways originally designed for low volumes and high speeds. Another trend is the higher proportion of children being transported to schools in private vehicles. These realities make it important to consider the design of roadways within and around schools. Equally important is the consideration of the location and design of the school site, preferably during the planning stages, in order to establish safe and efficient operations. The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has focused attention on these issues through its Precious Cargo Program. Precious Cargo allows TxDOT to review school site plans and make recommendations prior to construction. TxDOT has assisted independent school districts (ISDs) through application of transportation principles and fundamentals, but its efforts have sometimes been limited by the lack of knowledge of the specific problems associated with school transportation needs and the lack of acceptable guidelines. This research addressed these limitations and provided an opportunity to enhance Precious Cargo by providing TxDOT staff, ISD personnel, and the other stakeholders with guidelines and good examples for the design and operation of roadway facilities around schools.

View Guide

National Safe KIDS Campaign (2004).

In this brief fact sheet, SAFE KIDS presented data representing 35 states and the District of Columbia at multiple nationwide intersections to observe numerous variables in physical environment and driver behavior. In order to understand how these elements affect a child's ability to cross the street, the observers determined the most likely path for a child navigating the intersection.

National Safe KIDS Campaign_Kids at the Crosswalk (2004)