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ACEF Webinar, presented by: Sean O'Donnell

Despite shrinking school budgets, growing security concerns, and skyrocketing transportation expenses, we still need to provide high performance, forward thinking educational environments for our children and communities.

The case studies in this webinar illustrate that many of our older school buildings are capable of offering just such an environment with the proper investment. And when considered within a broader context of educational and societal goals, these older facilities may even exceed the performance of a new “green field” school. (Posted July 10, 2014).

ACEF Webinar, presented by: Mindy Sitton & Tony Chojnowski

There is heightened concern in our public schools for providing safe and secure environments for students, staff, and visitors to school campuses. School security has become an increasing priority for most schools. School security technology is changing, and thus requires robust technology infrastructure to support it. In this thirty minute webinar participants will understand the role of security technology in a layered, comprehensive approach to school security; become aware of some of the most commonly used and effective security technologies; and understand how to best assess and evaluate security technology needs and develop an implementation plan. (Posted July 10, 2014).

ACEF Webinar, presented by: Al Lawrence & Mike King

Assessing the risks posed by threats and hazards is an imperative task for schools.  Therefore planning teams should carefully review and select assessment tools to assess such risks.  While numerous assessments may be utilized by school planning teams, this webinar focuses on the site assessment specifically.  Throughout the webinar, schools will explore how to utilize a comprehensive approach to site assessment, in order to assess risks and identify resources to help schools mitigate the effects of man-made threats and natural hazards.  (Posted July 10, 2014).

ACEF Webinar, presented by: Ben Harris

Developing storm weather protocols, like any emergency protocol, can be a daunting task for schools.  Therefore, careful consideration must be given to several factors.  This webinar focuses on how to assess a diverse list of factors by using data, resources, and collaboration.  Requirements, examples, and challenges will be shared to provide practical guidance for participants on school tornado shelters. (Posted July 10, 2014).


Webinar, presented by: Mindy Sitton & Tony Chojnowski

There is heightened concern in our public schools for providing safe and secure environments for students, staff, and visitors to school campuses. School security has become an increasing priority for most schools. School security technology is changing, and thus requires robust technology infrastructure to support it. In this thirty minute webinar, participants will understand the role of security technology; become aware of some of the most commonly used and effective security technologies; learn about recent innovations and improvements in school security technologies; and understand the need for robust wired and wireless technology infrastructure to support security technology initiatives. (Posted July 10, 2014).

ACEF (2013). Webinar: The American Clearinghouse on Educational Facilities.

Structural and landscape pests can pose a significant problem to people, property and the environment. Pesticides and herbicides can also pose risks to people, property, and the environment. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an ecologically based pest management strategy that provides long-term management of pest problems with minimum impact on human health, the environment, and non-target organisms. IPM programs are education-based and apply the user’s knowledge of pest biology and its relationship within the environment to prevent and resolve pest problems. This webinar is designed to educate educational stakeholders about what is IPM, how it can be incorporated into the school district without additional costs and in conjunction with the facilities department.

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Federal Emergency Management Agency (2012).

The video portrays an interview with Julie Hedricks, Director of Design and Construction, Wichita Public School District USD #259. Hedricks explains the process and her role in the construction of the first School Safe Room to FEMA's Standard 361. Since the first School Safe Room was built in 2000, Wichita Public Schools have built over 60 additional Safe Rooms in their School System.

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(2011). Webinar, ACEF: The American Clearinghouse on Educational Facilities.

In this online learning opportunity, content and resources will be shared to support a strategic approach to assessing matters of safety and security in school settings. Current research will be cited and you will be directed to a broad scope of resources to support your learning in this area. A variety of tools will be discussed to support implementation at the local level. Outcomes from this session will allow you to activate and mobilize a call to action. [PowerPoint Presentation of Live Webinar]

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